Psychology Colloquium: Forever foreign? Exploring national identity denial in perceptions of Asian people - School of Psychology Psychology Colloquium: Forever foreign? Exploring national identity denial in perceptions of Asian people - School of Psychology

Psychology Colloquium: Forever foreign? Exploring national identity denial in perceptions of Asian people

Dr Michael Thai is from the University of Queensland. He will present his work on racial and national identity in Asian Australians and Asian Americans. His full title and abstract are copied below, and his staff webpage can be seen here: Dr Michael Thai – School of Psychology – University of Queensland (


Forever foreign? Exploring national identity denial in perceptions of Asian people 


Racial minorities in Western nations (particularly those of Asian descent) are stereotyped to be “perpetual foreigners” – they are chronically perceived and treated as though they are outsiders in their own land. In this talk, I will present research examining how Asian Australians and Asian Americans negotiate this denial of national identity. I will also discuss my line of work investigating the factors that can bolster the perceived national identity of Asian people, and diminish the discrepancy in perceived national identity between Asian and White people.



The event is finished.


Apr 29 2022


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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