Psychology Colloquium: Dr Lindsay Squeglia: Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Use: Using Neuroscience to Inform Treatment and Outreach - School of Psychology Psychology Colloquium: Dr Lindsay Squeglia: Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Use: Using Neuroscience to Inform Treatment and Outreach - School of Psychology

Psychology Colloquium: Dr Lindsay Squeglia: Adolescent Alcohol and Cannabis Use: Using Neuroscience to Inform Treatment and Outreach

Dr Lindsay Squeglia (Medical University of South Carolina)


Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use is pervasive and affects the developing brain. Substance use prevention and treatment efforts are typically underutilized and only modestly effective. Utilizing neuroscience in prevention and treatment efforts can make tangible differences in substance use outcomes. Findings from recent neuroscience-informed adolescent substance use treatment interventions will be presented, as well as promising results from a youth-focused, neuroscience-based outreach and educational program.


Dr. Squeglia is an Associate Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina, co-Director of the Youth Collaborative, and current Fulbright Scholar at University of Sydney. Her research focuses on: (1) understanding the effects of substance use on brain development and (2) using neuroscience to improve adolescent substance use disorder interventions.

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Apr 05 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

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