Psychology Colloquium: Social Cognition, bench to clinic - School of Psychology Psychology Colloquium: Social Cognition, bench to clinic - School of Psychology

Psychology Colloquium: Social Cognition, bench to clinic

Dr Michelle Kelly, Senior Lecturer, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Newcastle


Dr Michelle Kelly is a Clinical Psychologist and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Newcastle. Her research focus is on social functioning in clinical groups including dementia and traumatic brain injury. She also works closely with carers of people with dementia and brain injury to support them in their roles. Michelle collaborates with researchers at the National Ageing Research Institute in Melbourne, University of New South Wales and University College London in this work. She also work closely with clinicians in public health settings, aged care service providers and not for profit organisations.


Social cognition refers to the sum of processes that allow individuals to pay attention to and process other people’s emotions, intentions and actions in order to behave in socially appropriate ways. This includes reading emotions from peoples facial expressions, tone of voice and body language, as well as utilising and applying social knowledge to understand, predict and respond to others’ behaviour. Examination of social cognition occurs through self- and informant-report, as well as more objective performance based tests and physiological measurement. Despite advances in assessment of social cognition and emerging evidence for treatment programs, most clinicians still fail to examine this area of cognition, and rarely is it treated. This has implications for personal and workplace relationships. In this talk I will discuss some of the work we are doing, from bench to the clinic and pose some potential solutions to these problems.


This is a Hybrid event so you can join in person or via the Webinar link below

HEYDON LAURENCE LECTURE THEATRE 217 (DT ANDERSON) (You are encouraged to please wear a mask if attending in person)

Webinar Link:



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Sep 09 2022


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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