Psychology Colloquium: Towards domain-general predictive coding: Linking motor and sensory attenuation using TMS and EEG, Dr Dominic Tran, University of Sydney - School of Psychology Psychology Colloquium: Towards domain-general predictive coding: Linking motor and sensory attenuation using TMS and EEG, Dr Dominic Tran, University of Sydney - School of Psychology

Psychology Colloquium: Towards domain-general predictive coding: Linking motor and sensory attenuation using TMS and EEG, Dr Dominic Tran, University of Sydney

Dr Dominic Tran, University of Sydney.

I will briefly discuss my DECRA application on response inhibition and then I wanted to share some exciting data recently collected in the lab on predictive coding:

The brain’s response to sensory input is modulated by prediction. For example, sounds that are produced by one’s own actions, or those that are strongly predicted by environmental cues, elicit an attenuated auditory evoked potential measured with EEG. It is thought that this form of sensory attenuation to stimulation produced by one’s own actions is the reason we are unable to tickle ourselves. We examined whether the neural response to direct stimulation of the brain is attenuated by prediction in a similar manner using combined EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) applied over the primary motor cortex. The findings provide compelling evidence that predictive coding is governed by domain-general properties across distinct neural systems and has shared mechanisms responsible for all forms of predictive learning.


Dr Tran conducts research in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience. His research expertise is in learning, memory, and cognition and uses behavioural and neurophysiological methods (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography) to investigate the relationship between brain and behaviour.  Dr Tran is interested in understanding how our past experiences shape our beliefs, actions, and habits. Dominic is also an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) recipient.


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Nov 11 2022


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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